So with the leftovers from the Cucumbers and Lox, I made a little Pan Seared Salmon with some Avocado Remoulade! It’s literally only 3 ounces of salmon, enough for 2 bites… But I was bored and didn’t want to just throw it out, right?
I’ve only ever baked salmon, so I learned a lot from using oil in a skillet. It’s easy, and takes about 5 minutes instead of a ton of extra time it would take to bake it or broil. You learn something new every day, I’m glad I finally know the right way how to cook it now ;D
• 1 salmon fillet or steak
• dash of salt
• dash of lemon pepper
• squeeze of lemon
• drizzle of extra virgin olive oil
So basically rub your salmon with the spices and lemon, then drizzle the oil into a skillet and put on medium-high heat. Once you see the oil start to smoke, throw in the salmon skin side first. It should only take about 2 to 3 minutes, 4 max on each side, depending on the thickness of your fillet or steak.
Nobody likes over cooked salmon, it’s supposed to be a little soft and juicy. Be careful not to burn yourself, this oil tends to fly!
Ingredients for the Remoulade:
• 1 avocado
• a squeeze of lime
• 1 tablespoon of spicy brown mustard or more, depending on your taste.
• spoonful of sour creme
• dash of salt
• 1 small shallot finely diced
• 1 clove of garlic
• drizzle of extra virgin olive oil
Throw it all into a food processor and puree! Slowly but surely drizzle in some olive oil, not too much! maybe a tablespoon at max. This just really creamifies it and gives it a more saucy texture. I did some research and you can also put capers or hard boiled egg yolks into it too… But I was lazy and didn’t want to boil eggs.
Basically a remoulade is just a salad or seafood dressing. Tasty as hell though! It also doesn’t traditionally have sour creme in it, but I had some left over from the cukes so I thought ‘What the hell!’ Haha.
So there you go! I’ve had a taste for the ocean since I came to Cali and smelled the beautiful ocean air. I just had to get all this fish and seafood out before I exploded ;}
Hope you guys are having as much fun as I am! I took these photos, but I don’t have my usual layout from my other recipes where it gives the cost and has my watermark and fancy border and things, sorry! I’ll fix it if I ever go home though ;} Key stress on the sentence, if I ever go back home…
Later Food Lovers,
Justin Francis Kane
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