I have an overwhelming feeling of being lost at the moment... I haven't been cooking, or baking. But mostly this is because I have something like seven dollars in my bank account. I'm unemployed, and my shoe-in of a job that I applied for last week says they'll call me for my second interview tomorrow... But I'm scared.
It's a very busy place, and I feel as if I should call to keep in touch with them because my message could be lost in the shuffle. But I've already called once, and they said they would call me back. So do I wait in misery all day tomorrow and call back on Tuesday if they forget? Or do I keep pestering? It's a catch-22, but I guess I'm making this into something it's not. I'm sure they'll call tomorrow. I'm sure of it.
I need to do something constructive with all this free time I have. But I'm down in the dumps. I was supposed to go see my Dad tonight for dinner, that would have been nice. But my ride got sick... Oh, did I tell you I also don't have any mobility if it isn't my friends carting me around?
I look back at leaving new york city as a blessing and a curse... It was so easy to have a life without a car payment and insurance to deal with. But I was losing it, I needed fresh air and grass. I wish the spring would just get here already and if I never saw winter again I think I would be happy.
Trying to stay positive, maybe I'll post an old recipe later. Sorry for the rant. Sometimes you just have to get it out though, ya know?
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